January 16, 2011

Teaser: IDoL Chapter 21

Elo Elo,

I'm here with your teaser for Chapter 21. Your response to the last chapter blew me away. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much.

Here you go. It's a big longer than usual, but what can I say. I lurve you guys. Happy reading :o)

I threw my legs over the side of the bed and tried to get up and away from her, but she held me back by my elbow.

“You're not angry at this child, or even that it's a part of you. You're angry because you've already made your choice and you're too afraid to face it.”

“You can't tell me how I feel.”

“Yes I can. I can because after attaching myself to you every night for the past few months I can read every beat of your heart and know why you react the way you do to different things. You can't hide from me, Bella. Don't even try to.”

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

“It's okay that you've chosen Edward over your baby, Bella.”

“Stop it,” I bit back, trying to pull my arm away, but she only tightened her grip.

“It's okay that you've chosen to separate yourself from this child, but do it properly.”

“Shut up, Alice.”

“I'm not going to allow you to abort your baby, Bella.”

“I said shut up! I never said anything about aborting!”

“Starving yourself in the hope that it will die is not something I'm going to let you do either.”

“Shut your mouth right now.”

“You're afraid to let it grow inside of you because you don't want to get attached to it.”

“SHUT. UP!” I screamed with wide, horrified eyes.

“This is Edward's child,” she whispered, putting her hand on my belly. “It's a part of us all, not just the two of you.”

And finally, for the first time since finding out, I was able to cry.

See you on Wednesday. 
The chapter is halfway complete.


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