October 31, 2010

TEASER TIME - Chapter 11- IDoL

Hi guys, and Happy Halloween.
Welcome to Teaser Sunday! Btw, your response to the last chapter was amazing. I laughed my tush off, over and over, at all your wonderful predictions. You guys are the best. So I made tonight's teaser GOOD. I'm practically giving you the answer tonight because I'm so stoked by how well you guys are adjusting to this mess I've created.

Some of the predictions were: He is masturbating. He shaved his head. He found the journal. There's another girl in the room. The Gargoyles are in the room. The room is trashed.

But first. GOOD NEWS! I mentioned a while back that I entered the Enchantments Contest. Well, guess what??? I won judge's pick FIRST PLACE! Whoot! It's my first win ever!
The name of the story is Into The Deep. You can see it here.

And now for tonight's teaser. Enjoy!
 “This?” I asked Blade for the final time. He barked in approval and wagged his tail. “Okay.”

Sitting on the bed, I undid the jacket. It looked like Bella’s size but there were holes in it, ten to be exact, five on either side of the open zipper at the front. I pushed my fingers through the holes and found that they fit exactly.

Climbing onto the bed next to me, Blade hunkered down and watched me.

“Looks like I've found the winner,” I said, with a shrug. “Is it something of yours?” I asked, undoing the layers of plastic wrapping. He was almost in my lap with restlessness.

I stripped the package bare and was left with the leather bound frame of what that looked like a journal, in my hands. I was suddenly very interested. It didn't look like anything a dog would play with. It was classy, and very much like something I would choose for myself.

I opened the cover next, and read the inscription on the inside.

“To my Isabella, delicaie. Te valde amo ac semper amabo. I love you very much and always will, forever. From your.....Edward?”

I frowned on the last word, then, the door opened and she walked in. 

So there you have it! A few of you guessed right, though I absolutely loved the prediction where he shaves his head. LOL
See you all on Wednesday. Much love,


Olena said...

Yay! I was right! :)

kei tachibana said...

oh I have tears in my eyes just reading this !
but then I also dont mind to read if he was masturbating lol ! thanks for the teaser hun

cedward2417 said...

OMG-I feel so stupid thinking he was spankingthemonkey!!! Of course it's the journal! I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ THE WHOLE CHAP!

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